Quick-E Scribes
The Quick-E Scribe allows you to transfer a cut line from a fixed edge to a paver or retaining wall surface, swiftly and with out error.
- Transcribes a marking line from any fixed object to a concrete product that needs to be cut in.
- Mark the properly sized retaining wall block or individual pieces of wall cap to make a perfect radius cap on your curved walls.
- Lightweight & portable - allows you to trace irregular shapes like natural rocks in order to perfectly incorporate them into a beautiful retaining wall.
- Quickly and perfectly scribe in a soldier or sailor row when the pavers are going to be against a hard fixed surface.This allows the pavers to then be cut in place, so the border pavers can simply be dropped into place for a perfect fit.
- Mark angles for perfectly mitered corners. There are 3 angles (90, 45 and 22½ degrees) engraved on the inside of one of the arms which can be tightened into place for consistent marking from paver to paver. Just trace the angle.